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10 Tips For Breastfeeding In Public

Nursing your baby is one of the healthiest things you can do. Read these tips for an enjoyable, comfortable breastfeeding experience.

This information is part of Virtua’s Breastfeeding resources collection. Please see our Breastfeeding Support Resources page to view the entire series.

Nursing your baby is one of the healthiest, most natural things you can do. Be proud of what you're doing and enjoy the nursing experience, even outside your home. Here are some tips to help you have an enjoyable, comfortable breastfeeding experience.

Know your rights.

Laws protect breastfeeding in public. You have the right to feed your baby when they’re hungry, no matter where you are.

Find a comfortable place.

Find a comfortable place to breastfeed that’s spacious enough for you and your baby and your diaper bag, purse, stroller, and other children if needed.

Create your own private space.

If you’re with your partner or friend, have them position themselves to create a more private space for you. Ask them to hold up a blanket until you get your baby latched. Or, turn away and turn back around once you get situated.

Wear clothing that makes it easier to nurse.

Two-piece outfits or clothes designed for nursing make it easier to breastfeed your baby away from home. When you want to nurse discreetly in public, bring your baby in close and then open your top. When you pull your top up, the fabric covers the top of your breast, and the baby covers the rest. Many nursing clothes are designed to look like your regular clothes, so you can continue to wear them even after you stop breastfeeding.

Carry a lightweight blanket or cloth to cover.

Once your baby starts to nurse, cover yourself with a lightweight blanket or cover. If it’s too hot, you may opt not to use it. It’s an option if you feel like you need it or feel that nursing will make you or the people around you uncomfortable.

Consider baby slings or wraps.

Using a baby sling or wrap is a great way to nurse without anyone noticing. With some practice, you can learn to nurse while walking around. Babies often love to be in them, keeping them close and snuggled into you.

Watch for your baby’s feeding cues.

Find a place to nurse your baby when they first show fussy signs, rather than wait until they’re frantically hungry. A crying baby attracts attention, making it more difficult for you remain calm and feed your baby discreetly. 

Scout out places to nurse.

Look for places to nurse, ideally before you need them. Many stores and malls provide these areas, as more families are breastfeeding. Temperature permitting, you can feed your baby in the car before entering a store or shopping mall.

Practice, practice, practice.

Rest assured that discreet breastfeeding is a learned skill that becomes easier with practice. Before you breastfeed in a social setting or in a public place for the first time, you may want to practice in front of a mirror so you'll be able to see what others would see and make adjustments.  

Have confidence and enjoy yourself.

If someone approaches you, meet their eyes and smile. If you’re with someone, carry on your conversation. Chances are that people won’t even notice that you’re breastfeeding.